Update time!

Ruth Mischler, Paige Wilson, and Susan Worden rolled into town last Friday evening, spent the night, and explored Colorado Springs with Elizabeth and I on Saturday.  It goes without saying that it was awesome to have a good chunk of the Lipscomb crew together again.  There was much to celebrate among us all.  Ruth is about 6 weeks from having her first child (the sex of the child will be a surprise!), both Paige and Susan recently earned their Master's degree, Susan just had a birthday, Paige just got married, Elizabeth is about a month away from PCSing to Germany and becoming a flight nurse...and well, it was my birthday.  I celebrated my 27th anniversary of life, praise Jesus!  We hiked Garden of the Gods together, had an old-fashion brunch at Cracker Barrel, visited the famous Broadmoor Hotel, and toured Seven Falls (although not as spectacular as advertised, just think drought).  Later that evening I met Elizabeth and Santiago for a sushi dinner downtown.  We ate a lot of sushi...

Sunday I finally stopped everything I was doing and visited Rachel Snell and her son Evan who's only about 3 weeks old.  I'd seen pictures of Evan on Facebook but you can't grasp the full experience of his cuteness unless you see him in person.

In other news, the patients are starting to flow through now.  It's been busy, there's never any shortage of injured people.  I'm already learning a lot from the therapists working in the hospital.  It's such a refreshing experience to have people nearby to answer questions and support me.  I'm actually learning again!  The brigade experience itself is a whole other beast and learning is a little slower in that arena.  Nonetheless, I'm confident that at least some of the things I do will work out (and I know some of them won't).  My focus is and will always be treating those around me with compassion and respect.  All I can do is do my part.  Sure it gets more complicated than that but I just keep coming back to the basics all the same.

I've started training for a fall marathon.  I've run consistently for over a year now without more than a couple days off...but this is different.  Now I'm seriously training.  I've committed myself to doing workouts provided to me by a coach.  I've done okay on my own but this year I'm aiming to break 3 hours in the marathon and I know I'll need a plan if I'm going to be successful.  Just running won't cut it.  I'm still waiting to see if I've officially made the 2012 Marathon All-Army Team to race the Marine Corps Marathon.  If making the marathon team falls through I'll just sign up for something else.  Thursday morning I'm trying out for the Fort Carson 10-miler team.  I expect to be slow for this tryout but it will be good to get a baseline fitness assessment to base other workouts from.  If I make the team, that's just a plus.  All my work is going into running a fast marathon.

I'm planning to visit Telluride, CO this weekend, just a short trip Friday through Sunday.  I've never been there but hear it's a must-go...so I'm going!

Time for bed.  Have a FULL DAY of patient care tomorrow.  I'm sure I'll be notes until late...better pack some snacks...


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