Running Adventures
Over the past week I've come across a few old photos from the CISM marathon in Suriname that I thought I would share…and I'll tell you why I like them. I've also run a few other "races" so I will post what photos I have. Running adventures have been a whirlwind lately but I can't say I'd have it any other way. I used to run for race times (which made sense in college), but now I run for me. I run for rich experiences, personal challenges, and epic adventures. If I run well according to time, that's just a bonus. This May I plan to attempt the infamous "rim to rim to rim" run at the Grand Canyon. I know not what the trip will hold, I only know it is worth going.
#1 - Nicole and I checking out the river. I like this one because we saw crazy two-eyed fish shortly after this photos was taken and it was kind of scary.
#2 - Nicole and I on the bus the morning of the marathon (about 5am). I was drinking water, which I would shorty regret thereafter when I had to hop off the bus and pee in the bushes at a traffic jam.
#3 - Hanging out with the team by the hotel pool and still getting paid. How could this not be enjoyable?!
Photos from the ICY-8 Ultra-marathon. This was my first ultra-marathon since the Rocky Raccoon 50miler in 2010. I covered 35 miles in about 6:30hrs. I stopped because my body wasn't quite ready for a full 8 hrs of running. This race was at Lake Anna State Park in Virginia and it was a pretty winter's day.
Running with my friend Joe Miller in his first ever ultra-marathon. It's funny because we have the same shoes!
The beautiful Virginia woods…
Managing one last loop for the day. I'd run just over 30miles and was glad to find some other ladies to run and talk with, really helped keep my legs moving.
Just last Thursday I received a phone call from LTC Collins (Army running coach) about running in the USA Track & Field Cross Country Championships in Boulder, CO on Saturday. Unfortunately one of the Army's best runners was physically unable to get to the race because her flight was canceled in the wake of severe winter weather. I just happened to live 2 hours away so I took her place. While I could not perform as well as she would, I was still able to score for our team.
My friend Ruth came to the race and took these photos…I really like the one below because of the gorgeous Colorado State flag waving in the wind as I round another lap on the course.
The 2014 Women's All-Army Cross Country Team. It was amazing to run a cross country race again.
Ruth, Tobias, and me. It was so awesome to have friends out there to support me. I was also able to see Paige and Jordan Wilson, but our time was short and I unfortunately did not get a photo. Thanks guys for coming out and cheering!
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