Recent Travels
Recently I visited home in El Campo, TX for Thanksgiving with my parents. No, it's not a sexy trip like going to Austria, Germany, or the Grand Canyon as I did earlier this year. But it had been a full year since I'd visited Texas and seen some of my family. It was a short trip but I always enjoy the antics of my parents and was grateful for our time together.
This is my mom with a giant Twix...or rather just a yard of normal-sized Twix, easier to share.
Myself holding this gi-normous monstrosity of American gluttony.
My mom and step-dad Bobby, my two rocks. My mom put up the tree a little early so I could see it.
My pops :) Lots of love for all the years of support.
My mom and I look alike don't we?! I don't mind that at all, I think my mom is beautiful!
Bobby petting his favorite cat. My parents had quite a clowder living in their backyard but were able to dwindle the cat population down to 4 or 5 cats (sounds like a lot until you hear how many they had before!)
So after what was a good but short trip home, I quickly made my way back to Colorado to prepare for a 2 week work-trip to Kansas (more specifically Fort Riley). I was supposed to fly into Kansas City, MO on Sunday morning. I flew very early from CoSprings to Denver and was awaiting my next flight flight was cancelled. As you can see, it took me about 17 hours to get out...
Cancelled flight...
The flight I ended up on "the next day"...when I picked up my rental car at 0300 on Monday morning in KC, exhausted and barely able to think straight, I almost rented a car 3 times the price!
My standing desk at the PT clinic at Fort Riley. I had to choice but to class it up with boxes.
The old hospital at Riley...they are building a new one just across the street. It's been "in the making" between plans and construction since 1999. At least that's what I hear. Latest word is my colleagues can move to the new hospital next summer...or in 2027.
I have another week here before I head back to CoSprings. I am hoping my foot is feeling well enough near Christmas to tolerate some snowshoeing. I've been really great about resting my foot as much as possible over the past month. I've had plantar fasciitis way too long, almost a year now, but to get it better I know a lot of people who've taken a solid 6 months off running. It's hard to handle mentally and physically when you are used to being in shape (and exploring the great outdoors on your own two feet). That's always been my passion, self-powered exploration. Just my body, basic gear, and nature. Being a physical therapist doesn't ease the need to move and explore, although it does make me highly self-aware of my body (good and bad).
Just one of those things a person has to take one day at a time.
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