Links to Health
Although I have experimented with a few major tweaks to my diet over the past 14 months, it's only very recent history that I have started going completely grain-free. It may sound crazy, but based on very-well respected research I feel that experimenting with a grain-free diet is a natural evolution people might attempt if they want to determine the most optimal diet.
In other words, empower yourself with information. If you make the choice to eat sugar or a bagel, you should know exactly what is going to happen to your body. Don't eat blindly and don't assume all of your problems are just old age.
If you're wondering who and what I've researched, watched, or read recently that's encouraged me to go on this journey, I'll provide a few helpful links below. While they are all entirely different people/books/websites/etc with small differences in strategy, they are basically preaching the same thing. How to live a better and more fulfilling life. While a healthy lifestyle goes far beyond food, it starts with food.
Grain Brain - Dr David Perlmutter
Why We Get Fat - Gary Taubes
The Paleo Solution - Robb Wolf
The Primal Blueprint - Mark Sisson
Interview with Dr Peter Attia
Interview with Gary Taubes and the research regarding "Good Calories, Bad Calories"
Interview with Dr David Perlmutter
Website of Mark Sisson ("Mark's Daily Apple")
Interview with Robb Wolf (Q&A of Paleo Diet)
I see my doctor next week and I am hoping to draw some blood tests to see just how healthy I am at the moment. Granted I do not have a diagnosed disease (for which I am grateful), but I want to know how my body is doing and how my lifestyle choices are affecting some very important objective findings (insulin sensitivity which is a marker for blood sugar control, blood Vitamin D levels which is necessary for good health, C-reactive protein which is a marker for inflammation, and likely a few others). I will report those results when I get them. Of note I have historically been low in Vitamin D as well as iron. And those are just the things the doctor decided to test in the past. I believe this should be remedied by my current diet and lifestyle but I want to prove it!
Let me just say that I think most people want to feel good and they are willing to give up a few bad habits to do it. The problem (I think) is that many people don't realize just how amazing they will feel when they change their diet. I do think modern industry has mislead a lot of people about just how to achieve good health. It's obvious when you look at "average America." That is all the proof we should need that we must change our direction. We are not healthy. It's time to get back to a natural lifestyle. This means eating real food (and learning if you feel better off grains as well), learning to love exercise (how about playing outside once in awhile), and making time for you - sleep, family & friend time, relaxed free-time. That's what it means to be a healthy human. If you feel like you're a hamster stuck on a wheel, or you've become a robot that mindlessly eats in front of the television, if you're stuck living in a non-reality world (i.e. your life revolves around professional sports however you cannot muster up the energy to go play a game yourself), you are NOT crazy. You're living a lifestyle that humans aren't suited to live. You feel tired, wore out, stressed, and foggy for a reason. We are not office computers. We are human. I hope you enjoy the resource links as much as I have.
In other words, empower yourself with information. If you make the choice to eat sugar or a bagel, you should know exactly what is going to happen to your body. Don't eat blindly and don't assume all of your problems are just old age.
If you're wondering who and what I've researched, watched, or read recently that's encouraged me to go on this journey, I'll provide a few helpful links below. While they are all entirely different people/books/websites/etc with small differences in strategy, they are basically preaching the same thing. How to live a better and more fulfilling life. While a healthy lifestyle goes far beyond food, it starts with food.
Grain Brain - Dr David Perlmutter
Why We Get Fat - Gary Taubes
The Paleo Solution - Robb Wolf
The Primal Blueprint - Mark Sisson
Interview with Dr Peter Attia
Interview with Gary Taubes and the research regarding "Good Calories, Bad Calories"
Interview with Dr David Perlmutter
Website of Mark Sisson ("Mark's Daily Apple")
Interview with Robb Wolf (Q&A of Paleo Diet)
I see my doctor next week and I am hoping to draw some blood tests to see just how healthy I am at the moment. Granted I do not have a diagnosed disease (for which I am grateful), but I want to know how my body is doing and how my lifestyle choices are affecting some very important objective findings (insulin sensitivity which is a marker for blood sugar control, blood Vitamin D levels which is necessary for good health, C-reactive protein which is a marker for inflammation, and likely a few others). I will report those results when I get them. Of note I have historically been low in Vitamin D as well as iron. And those are just the things the doctor decided to test in the past. I believe this should be remedied by my current diet and lifestyle but I want to prove it!
Let me just say that I think most people want to feel good and they are willing to give up a few bad habits to do it. The problem (I think) is that many people don't realize just how amazing they will feel when they change their diet. I do think modern industry has mislead a lot of people about just how to achieve good health. It's obvious when you look at "average America." That is all the proof we should need that we must change our direction. We are not healthy. It's time to get back to a natural lifestyle. This means eating real food (and learning if you feel better off grains as well), learning to love exercise (how about playing outside once in awhile), and making time for you - sleep, family & friend time, relaxed free-time. That's what it means to be a healthy human. If you feel like you're a hamster stuck on a wheel, or you've become a robot that mindlessly eats in front of the television, if you're stuck living in a non-reality world (i.e. your life revolves around professional sports however you cannot muster up the energy to go play a game yourself), you are NOT crazy. You're living a lifestyle that humans aren't suited to live. You feel tired, wore out, stressed, and foggy for a reason. We are not office computers. We are human. I hope you enjoy the resource links as much as I have.
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