It's All a Setup
Maybe the truth is that we are afraid of how much power we hold. Lately I've been fortunate to spend a little more time in nature, running trails and contemplating what it means to live mindfully. Nature has always provided me with peace and insight. One conclusion I've come to is this...stop trying so hard.
I didn't try so hard as a child. I was just myself, unapologetic and mostly oblivious of what others thought about me. It was a good place to be. I just did what I did. I didn't chase after things I didn't want. Lately I've been mindfully getting closer to how things use to be. I've decided that it's important to trust myself, my instinct, my heart, my's not important to wonder or worry about what everyone else is doing. I'm not a robot or a people pleaser. I'm Samantha Wood and I only owe the world the best version of Samantha. And the nice thing? I get to decide what is the best of Samantha.
Perhaps the saddest thing in this world is the realization of how many of us hold ourselves hostage. We live by arbitrary rules. We hold ourselves back. We believe a bunch of lies. Maybe you don't know this but you can break the rules. You can follow your heart. You can break the chains and have faith that moving in the direction you want to go will produce fruit. What is your gut telling you?
I've made the mistake a few times in my life. I've attempted to please. I've acted mindlessly. It never turned out all that well. Now instead of that pattern I wake up every day and give myself the old pep-talk. The words I think and speak are a reminder of who I am and what I want to do with the short amount of time I have left on this earth.
Every day I make a decision of what I accept as truth or as rubbish. And I'm very careful about it. Many things I hear are lies, some of it comes from my own unconsciousness. As I become aware of the chatter, I remember that I am grateful for my life and I will not allow myself to speak or think negativly. It's just not going to happen. I have too much to do and barely any time in life to get it done, there's no time to be negative!
Dear Friends, live with a sense of urgency.
It rains on everyone. It rains on the righteous and the damned. There will always be rain. But I tell you and I hope that you understand...when it rains on the righteous, all of your setbacks become setups for something better.
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