Moving On

You're looking at a future "part-timer" in the U.S. Army.  This week I signed up for the US Army Reserves, I'll be a 65B (physical therapist) for the 5502 USAH in Denver, CO by the end of this year.  I've rarely talked to a reservist who regretted a decision to remain in the Army but just not be Active Duty.  I'm very grateful for all of my time and wouldn't take it back.  That said, there's something in my heart that says it may be time to move on to something new and more uniquely me.

I believe it's important to speak what you want into the universe so here goes...

I want to build a successful business.  I want to do prevention programs and work with teenagers who need guidance and old people who are committed to staying active.  I want to be a role model in my community.  I want to teach the community.  I want people to be better off because they know me.  I want to run far and climb some big mountains.  I want to stand up paddle board the most beautiful lakes and rivers in Colorado.  I want to start my own ridiculous race.  I want to continue with the Army as an athlete and as a physical therapist/trainer for sports teams.  I want to watch more sunsets and sunrises than TV.  I want to coach kids.  I want to make people smile and remember how fun life can be.  I want to speak truth, clear and simple.  I want to learn from the best.

In July I'm going to move out of my current home and become a "nanny" for a good friend while her husband is away on work.  I'll only be living 2 miles down the road but it will be a big change to living alone for the past few years.  Also in July I will start my terminal leave and begin working more on building my business.  I'll likely move into a REAL office and start offering educational classes to members in the community.  In late October I will be signing into my reserve unit and beginning the second stage of my military career.

In all this change I've made myself promise one thing...I will be happy no matter the outcomes.  God has given me the gift of this life.  It's mine to use but it's not mine to keep.


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