End of June Updates

It's 91-degrees here in Manitou, perhaps the highest temperature thus far in 2019.

I spent this past weekend exploring the Sand Dunes and a small bit of the San Juan mountain range with friends.  It really felt like the first moment of summer after all the cold weather we have had...even so, last Sunday morning in Silverton, CO it was 23-degrees Fahrenheit (15-deg wind chill).

But today is 91-degrees.  I'm enjoying a nice relaxing sit on my new deck that my friend Reagan built for me in May.  It's only been on the house for about a month but it feels like it's always been part of the house.  After living in the house for a bit and seeing my yard in more than the winter season, I'm much more seriously considering doing a zeroscape situation for my front yard.  Of course this means buying rock and at the moment I'd like to save extra for that specific purpose.  Same thing with the fence that I share with Ken and Judy.  Save a little and redo.  Despite the extra work, I don't mind owning this house.  Even with my spider-killing full-throttle (hey don't judge, I don't kill spiders if they're outside my house) I still feel my house is very much my little place on the map and it feels really good to be here.  It feels special, perhaps since this is my first time "owning" a home.

I've only lived here 6-months or so but I have initiated the refinance process since mortgage interest rates have lowered significantly recently.  My loan is in the underwriting process and my fingers are crossed to get at least 3.5% on a new loan.  That may take the sting away from the fact that the Army has made a mistake with my pay during my transfer and basically stopped paying me for work.  I tell you, the people are great but the system that handles a reserve to guard or guard to reserve transfer is an absolute nightmare.

Other than that, I'm just attempting to gather steam in my running prep for Leadville, qualify for the Spartan World Championships (new rules mean more races), get into a biathlon training camp and see if I can learn a new sport, figure out when I can run a road marathon this fall to qualify for the guard's marathon team, and get on a new National Geographic television show called, "Race to the Center of the Earth."  And also get settled into my new military job.

All the irons in the fire seem to burn at once.  24-hours of an unknown feels like 2-weeks.  I easily lose track of time.  When is this thing happening?  When is that thing happening?  What day is it?  What month is it?  Everything is good, just moving.  This weekend is a training weekend.  Next weekend I train some more with the holiday but I add the Silver Rush 50M run.  The next weekend will be two back-to-back days of Spartan Racing.  The next weekend is my birthday which will likely be celebrated with lots of hiking/running.  The next week/weekend will either be a biathlon training camp in Vermont, pacing my friend Ivan at the High Lonesome 100M run, or somehow trying out for the National Geographic show to try to become one of the final teams to compete on the show.  After that it's drill or some equivalent work.  Then a hut trip around Leadville.  Then the Leadville 100M run.  Then the North American Spartan Championships in West Virginia...and on and on it goes.

I think it may be time for a nap.


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