
"Understand at last that you have something within you more powerful and divine than what causes the bodily passions and pulls you like a mere puppet.  What thoughts now occupy my mind?  Is it not fear, suspicion, desire, or something like that?"  - Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, 12.19.

Food manufacturers vie for our wallets, Silicon Valley works 24/7 to addict you to digital crack, and the sensationalized media wants to hijack your emotions to provoke anger and outrage.  I have been wondering lately if the average American is remotely any more ethical than the average American politician.  We are by definition all human beings and humans have a tendency towards puppetry and parrot-like behavior, especially in our modern world where most of us are marketed to all of our waking hours.

We might say health is our #1 priority but we chose finishing work over sleep most nights and our hurried and stressful lifestyle is reflected in our poor diet and lack of attention to the body.  Our financial freedom is traded for things we don't need.  Our attention is given to things out of our control instead of the very things we should have a handle on- our attitudes and world view.

We are bought by the cheapest of products and promises.  It's no wonder our politicians can be bought with a few million dollars or the promise of job security.  Most of us are purchased on far less by our own daily choices.


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