Tuesday 6 March 2012 (2156)                                                                  Day 84

The FOB is getting busier as redeployment approaches.  Each week we have more coming and going.  I know that our government says we’ll be out by 2014…but it doesn’t look like anyone is leaving FOB Walton any time soon if you look at all the construction.

Furthermore, I’m not sure how I managed to offer myself to teach proper technique for crossfit exercises (not so much the clean or snatch, but deadlifts and various squats, kettle bell work), but nonetheless, I might be doing some classes before I leave Afghanistan!

Random things I wish to share:
1)   wind in Afghanistan = dust storms.  Everything gets covered L
2)   burn pits + wind = adds to the nastiness
3)   I REALLY look forward to my meals
4)   Running on rocks is for the dogs
5)   I’ve noticed more birds as spring gets closer.  We feed them donut sticks from the DFAC.
6)   Be thankful if it works because it probably won’t at some point
7)   I had a patient today that proceeded to stretch his groin when I asked him to do his favorite calf stretch.  Yikes!

What I’m excited about when I return to the states (besides seeing loved ones)
1)   my own bathroom
2)   not living on a prison
3)   outdoor activities
4)   wine!

Leave it to me to wait until just before bed to write….

I’m already sleeping…


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