Brooks ID renewal

There's still quite a bit of snow on the ground here in CoSprings.  The roads and sidewalks are mostly clear now, but I've still found myself slipping and sliding when I'm out on a run.  These last couple weeks of running has been bittersweet...because I know that I am really going to miss the scenery, trails, hills, and fresh mountain air.  My only current running goal is to run moderate mileage consistently without injury...until my return to from deployment.  It's not exactly a SMART goal, but I'm also hesitant to set too specific of a goal since I don't know what the running situation will be like once I'm in Afghanistan.  I will definitely be setting some goals when I get there.

Rockey's came and packed up all my household goods this morning and I move out tomorrow.  It's kind of a relief to be at this stage because the past several weeks have been a lot of planning and phone calls...and waiting.  It feels good to finally be "doing."  And less we forget, the best part...almost no monthly bills!

I also got some good news in email form the other day.  Steve DeKoker, who is the team brand manager and purveyor of split shorts for Brooks Sports, Inc, offered me another year as a member of the Brooks Inspire Daily Program.  Last year they began cutting down on the sponsorships, as they did again for the year 2012, so I feel very fortunate to have been chosen.  Last year Brooks also went from giving a simple "member" status, to putting its members into specific categories.  I would imagine this helps them keep track of how many "types" of evangelists they want to utilize given their budget.  For example, if you're an amazing runner, you might make the Elite category.  They also have a "coach" and "trainer" category...the latter of which I belong to.  I'm not sure but I think they also have a group for people who can market (i.e. bloggers who are runners, etc).  I'm a blogger and a runner, but...well as you can read it's not where my talent lives.  But I would still like to thank Brooks for making high-quality gear (my stuff lasts years and years), staying at the forefront of innovation (biodegradable materials, minimalist shoes), and making it a priority to sponsor the little people (ME).  I've always thought it made sense to support your customers, instead of paying someone like Tiger Woods millions of dollars to advertise for products that are more fashion than function.  Brooks is building a loyal base and I am running happy.

There are many ways to do a countdown to something.  I've done a lot of countdowns in my life (I counted down every single day until my Physics class with Dr Rao finished), but still I am not the countdown pro I thought I'd be.  But in any case, I'll still give it some effort, enjoy.




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