Okay.  So I slacked off a little from the regular blogging.  Believe me, I've thought about it many times.  I might be out running or cooking breakfast or staring in amazement at the slow processing on my work computer...and just then it comes to me, I really ought to write some of this down.  I've just not stopped.  And when I stop I often stare off into space, or watch animals...we've got a lot of wildlife here.

This weekend I'm at a continuing education course in Denver, CO.  I learned the basics of dry needling last October just prior to deploying.  That was "Level I" and mostly for the extremities (arms, legs, and anything you can easily pull off the thorax).  This round is Level II and we are needling the thoracic spine, ribs, SCM, subclavius, rhomboids, lower traps, pectorals minor, coracobrachialis, hands, feet, deep posterior compartment of the leg, deep hip rotators, and the subocciptal muscles just to name a few!  It's been a great deal of fun (despite the pain and ensuing exhaustion), but I am always excited to learn new things that might help a patient.  Course the more you learn the more you realize you don't know.  That's the best part I think.  Even the experts change their thinking over time.  Ask questions and stay neuroplastic!


Next weekend I will be 27 years old.  Still a ways from 30 but not that far.  I have an acquaintance who recently lost a younger sister, 20yrs old.  She died in a car accident, trying to miss a cyclist I think and lost control.  In any case...just a reminder that death knows no age.  We all know that we will leave this earth at some time.  Unfortunately not all of us figure out what really matters and some of us just take an awfully long time about it.  But what's wrong with right now?  What's wrong with today?  Whatever it is that makes you tick...God, family, a mission...right now is a great time to renew your commitment and continue adding depth to those relationships.

It's easy to say but it really takes everything you've got to live it.  There's no perfect answer.  You'll just have to get after it.

Now I'm gonna get after some sleep.  Can you believe that I actually have to pass a practical exam tomorrow morning to be certified?  Ha, you'd better thank my instructors!


P.S. The Waldo Canyon fire is finally 100% contained.  I haven't seen any smoke for quite some time and Colorado is finally getting a little rain.


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