So I've been putting in 10-12 hours at work each day since the performance testing has started.  It's like I'm putting on my big girl pants all over again.  But the foundation is being built for what I hope will ultimately be an overhaul in the way we care for soldiers and prevent injuries.  If we're able to identify soldiers at the highest risk of getting injured and if we can successfully intervene and focus our resources on those folks, we can theoretically reduce a great number of injuries.  It's worth a shot anyway!  It's certainly better than the way we do things now...which is simply to react after the fact.

Performance Testing!

Aside from that I am still managing to see a few patients every day thanks to LTC Werling and several other therapists and staff at Evans.  Many of them are chipping in to help out with the performance testing, either being on site or at least helping with data entry.  This means I am graciously given enough time to run sick call and have a few regular patient appointments during the week.  Today was probably my most productive day running sick call since I started.  I ordered X-rays on a few patients who came in with acute injuries and caught an avulsion fracture to the distal fibula from an inversion ankle sprain and a nice 5th metatarsal fracture on another patient.  Let's just say there were quite a few folks leaving my office on crutches today...which was a good thing because they came in limping and putting weight on their fractures.  Most days I just treat "run of the mill"  issues where pain is often the primary concern and there's not necessarily much structural pathology of which to speak.  Today was the exception.

We've also recently acquired several new civilian therapists and 1 new Army-Baylor grad.  Our house is full now and it's pretty awesome.  Lots of great personalities and minds to learn from.  After spending most of my first year out of school isolated, I'm very glad to be surrounded by other PTs, OTs, ortho docs...heck, even the chiro!

Tomorrow is another early morning.  I'll be getting up at 0430 for about 3 more weeks until we're all done with the IHPO testing.  Then I can maybe sleep in until 0530 :)

My thought of the day...

With hard work and genuine faith, I will find my way to a new place with new understanding.  All of the obstacles I encounter may be summed up as stepping stones to a higher place.


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