mirrors and magazines

Hey blog readers!

This morning I wasn't busy in the clinic, so go figure I gave myself something to do.  It was enjoyable work though.  I basically went through a bunch of fitness/outdoor magazines we had lying around in the clinic and clipped pages that talked about nutrition, core exercises, stress management, signs and symptoms of overtraining, basic exercises for injury-prevention (my new phrase that I yell throughout the day is, "it's all about the gluteus!"), and just other basic mind-body articles.  I tacked them up on the walls and drew a PINK star on one of the articles in particular - put it right by our entrance/exit door.  That article was about how more and more research is supporting life-style choices above genetics as the key to  a longer life (and better quality of life).  I feel like it's something that just about everyone knows intuitively.  What we eat matters.  We don't feel well when we are chronically stressed.  But you know...we have to know WHY it makes a difference and HOW it makes a difference...and then we have to struggle with our desire to drink a Coca-Cola and have a slice of pie anyway while we watch a Harry Potter marathon.

Merkler came back from Kandahar (KAF) today and brought with her a small mirror.  I tried buying a mirror here, but couldn't find anything on the FOB that was remotely similar to what I wanted.  The PX had nothing.  The Afghans have a few shops at our FOB (literally called "Wal-Mart" and "K-Mart" but they are more like an old convenience store in a single-stoplight community that's on the verge of closing).  So I perused the Afghan shops but only found a few giant mirrors that were richly embellished with engravings of camels.  I laughed when I saw the mirrors for sale because the Afghans live very modestly (we would consider it poor), and yet they have this merchandise that is much fancier which they are marketing to the Americans here.  I am guessing that there are probably some folks who think a nice camel mirror would compliment their Bed, Bath, & Beyond collection back in the states...but I just wanted a mirror so I would stop leaving my room with crazy hair.  Seriously, you think you are brushing your hair pretty well...that your part is fairly straight...and then you get to the DFAC for breakfast and remove your headwear...

More word that I will be leaving this weekend to an outpostsee patients.  It sounds like I'll only be away for a couple days.  All I will be taking is a backpack and whatever fits in that backpack, so hopefully I have what I need to make a difference :)  Wait...is that my brain?


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